If a traveller has any suspicion about the quality or authenticity of your hotel, it’s very unlikely they’ll book with you.
A lack of published reviews and a lack of photos are two of the biggest red flags for guests when browsing hotels.
To someone viewing a hotel on the Internet, the absence of reviews or images may indicate to them that the hotel is hiding something – perhaps evidence of poor quality service, dirty interiors, or misleading location information.
TripAdvisor published findings stating that when compared to hotels without photos, hotels with at least one photo saw a 138% increase in travel engagement.
On top of that, hotels with at least one photo are 225% more likely to receive a booking enquiry. If just one photo can make this much difference, think of the statistics if your hotel develops a strategic plan for your property photography.
With eye-catching imagery and unrelenting dedication to quality, it’s clear you can use imagery as a powerful boost to your bookings.
Make sure you showcase all your facilities in your website and in different social media platforms through showing high-definition images.
In website designing, an image should be of the right size and resolution to make an impact on the viewers. So, besides selection of the right image for your website, additional considerations such as the file format must also be taken into account as part of your best web graphic practices.
If you think your website needs to improve in this area, better to contact a web designer to help you. Or better yet, redesign your entire booking website.
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